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United States: Two Pilot Sets An Aviation Record By Flying Over 48 States Sharing Borders

John Skittone and Robert Reynolds (both from the United States) flew over all 48 contiguous states in 1 day…

 United States: Two Pilot Sets An Aviation Record By Flying Over 48 States Sharing Borders

 United States: Two Pilot Sets An Aviation Record By Flying Over 48 States Sharing Borders

Two pilot mates performed a genuinely stunning performance, setting a world record as a result of their accomplishment. According to the Guinness World Records, John Skittone and Robert Reynolds (both from the United States) flew over all 48 contiguous states in 1 day, 14 hours, and 13 minutes from May 17 to 19, 2023.

The team decided to break this record for four reasons: personal accomplishment–while completing a long-standing bucket list item–to promote general aviation; to demonstrate how easy it is to travel the country in a small plane; and to encourage others to get out and see the world.

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Aviation recordset by two pilots from the united states

“So we just set a Guinness World Record for landing in all 48 of the lower contiguous states. We did it in 38 hours and 13 minutes,” pilot John Skittone said.

Skittone and Bob Reynolds flew their plane to each of the lower 48 states, landed, and then took off again.

“The shortest distance we spent between two states was probably about four minutes and that happened twice Nebraska and Iowa and Ohio and West Virginia,” Skittone said.

Skittone was able to cross one off his bucket list with this trip. “You know, for me, it was personal. I have a bucket list. I wrote the bucket list about 15 years ago, and a lot of things on that list were aviation-related places I wanted to go and things that I wanted to see. Well, one of the things on that list – I wanted to visit all 48 states in the same trip,” he said.

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