"No Christmas tree, no joy":Bethlehem, Christ's birthplace is shut down this year

By- Shivanshi Srivastava

Bethlehem is normally at its busiest at Christmas.

However this year war has scared away tourists and pilgrims from the Palestinian town in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, leaving hotels, restaurants and souvenir shops deserted.

With global headlines dominated since October 7 by news of the Hamas attacks in southern Israel, followed by Israel's military assault on Gaza.

A shopkeeper from Bethlehem said, "This is the worst Christmas ever. Bethlehem is shut down for Christmas. No Christmas tree, no joy, no Christmas spirit."

Located just south of Jerusalem, Bethlehem is heavily reliant for income and jobs on visitors from all over the world who come to see the Church of the Nativity.

Church of the Nativity, believed by Christians to stand on the site where Jesus was born.

Since the 1967 war between Israel and neighbouring Arab countries, Israel has occupied the West Bank, which Palestinians want as the core of a future independent state.

Israel has built Jewish settlements, deemed illegal by most countries, across the territory.

Since Oct. 7, the West Bank has experienced a rise in attacks by Jewish settlers on Palestinians.