Chandrayaan-3, India’s third lunar exploration mission, was successfully launched from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh. Millions of ecstatic spectators shouted as the rocket ascended into the sky during the historic launch. People sent funny memes and congratulations while watching the countdown and departure on their phones and televisions, celebrating this joyful occasion.
After the much awaited unveiling, social media was ablaze with pride and zeal. While others made jokes, some users enthusiastically uploaded memes and messages celebrating ISRO’s labour of love.
Chandrayaan-3 is a continuation of Chandrayaan-2, attempting to land a spacecraft on the moon and deploying a rover to explore the lunar surface. ISRO scientists have tentatively set August 23–24 as the target date for a soft lunar surface landing.
On Chandrayaan-3, the propulsion module, rover, and lander are fully assembled. It weighs perhaps around 3,900 kilogrammes. After landing, it will send out the rover Pragyaan to explore the lunar surface. The rover will examine the moon’s composition and geology, which will provide researchers additional knowledge about the moon’s past and present.
With the help of this historic mission, India will become the fourth country to successfully land a spacecraft on the moon.
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