Bharat Express

Couple escapes death in 2 different plane crashes in a day

After two separate plane crashes, the couple managed to escape with minor injuries. They were travelling to Turin, Italy to meet their friends for lunch.

A couple barely avoided death in a remarkable turn of events when they both survived two plane crashes on the same day. Stefano Pirelli, 30, and his fiancée Antonietta Demasi, 22, were travelling to Savona for lunch with friends when they encountered a potentially fatal situation on two separate flights.

Unfortunately, the two-seater plane Stefano was riding in had a malfunction and crashed. In a related mishap, Antonietta’s plane had problems close to Busano, which is only 25 miles from the scene of Stefano’s crash.

Amazingly, Stefano left without a scratch, but Antonietta was slightly hurt. They were quickly saved from the debris by firefighters, saving their Christmas vacation from disastrous consequences. Paolo Rotondo, Antonietta’s pilot, was among the pilots who were taken to the hospital in a critical condition along with the couple.

The seriousness of the situation overwhelmed Stefano, and his first thoughts turned to Antonietta’s and the injured pilot’s welfare. Stefano told DailyMail, “This was Antonietta’s first flying experience and I’m so sorry for what happened. The day had started so beautifully, and it ended up with us both crashing in separate planes.”

He added, “As we headed to the airstrip we were just enveloped in mist and darkness, and we knew there were electricity cables around but before we knew it we had crashed onto the ground and into a meadow.”

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