A video of a cleric from Bihar’s Siwan district doing obscene acts with a schoolgirl has gone viral. In the video, the cleric is seen sexually harassing the schoolgirl. In the viral video, he is seen sitting on a chair. The schoolgirl is sitting in front of him. Looking at the video, it seems as if the student is a minor. Maulvi kisses her while doing obscene act. Viral video is being told of Andar police station area of Siwan district. Taking cognizance of the viral video, the police have started investigating the matter. The video is being told of 29 July.
Cleric accused of exploiting girls
According to local media reports, the cleric who indulged in obscene acts with the student has been identified as Salahuddin Ansari. In the video, the cleric can be seen talking to and touching the schoolgirl inappropriately. The local people are angry with the viral video. They demanded quick and strict action against the cleric. People allege that the cleric is exploiting the girls by alluring them.
A new Maulvi has come to the tomb of Pir Baba
According to the local people, there is a tomb of Pir Baba in Andar police station area. A new Maulvi has come to this tomb. This cleric claims to drive away evil spirits. According to the local people, women and girl students go to this Maulvi for exorcism. The cleric swings a broom over their heads to bless them.
It is alleged that the cleric has been exploiting young girls for some time in the guise of giving blessings. Locals said, this is how the girl seen in the viral video had come in contact with the cleric. It is said that for the last several days he was doing such heinous acts with the student. But this time someone secretly recorded his obscene act on camera and made it viral on social media.
On this matter, Andar police station in-charge Kumar Vaibhav said that the viral video of Maulvi has come to the notice. It is being verified. After the completion of the investigation, action will be taken according to the law.
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