Rahul Gandhi attacked Shivraj Singh Chouhan government in Madhya Pradesh on Tuesday, accusing it of corruption and poor governance. He also vowed that his party would ensure that the weaker sections of society received their fair share of power. Rahul Gandhi spoke at a rally here and emphasised the importance of the caste census, saying that if Congress is elected to power, it will be one of the government’s top priorities.
“In BJP’s laboratory, the dead are treated and their money is stolen. This doesn’t happen anywhere else in India but in Madhya Pradesh,” Mr Gandhi said.
“What rights should be given to Adivasis today, what part should be given to the OBC and ST categories, this is the question in front of the country and that is why we are talking about caste census, we will get it done,” he added.
A day after the Election Commission announced the dates for Madhya Pradesh and four other states’ elections, Rahul Gandhi spoke at a rally there. He expressed certainty that Congress would win in the polls.
In Madhya Pradesh, voting will take place on November 17 and results are to be declared on December 3.
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