Bharat Express

41 Year Old Cardiologist Dies Of Heart Attack, Did Over 16,000 Heart Surgeries

Excessive cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes, all are detrimental to heart health.

On Tuesday morning Dr. Gaurav Gandhi, the 41-year-old cardiologist from Gujarat, died of heart attack. According to the reports, Dr. Gandhi has conducted over 16,000 heart surgeries in his career.

Died 45 minutes after reaching the hospital

2 hours after reaching his home, Gandhi fell near his toilet. He was admitted to GG Hospital. He died 45 minutes after reaching the hospital, according to Dr Nandini Desai, head of MP Shah Medical College in Jamanagar. He is survived by his wife and children.

His untimely death has sent shockwaves across the country and raised the same issue which has been haunting everyone: why are young people dying of heart attacks these days?

Bad lifestyle cause heart attack

While numerous health professionals say that bad lifestyles, including as smoking and excessive drinking, are the major risk factors that may cause heart attack. These days, seemingly healthy people are dying of heart attacks, but the main factor is unknown to all. The impacts of problems such as excessive cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes, all of which are detrimental to heart health, with no symptoms are silent killers.

Symptoms of Heart Attack

Chest pain and discomfort, feeling weak, pain in the jaw, neck, and back, discomfort in the shoulder and back, and shortness of breath are all key indicators of a heart attack that should not be overlooked. Few other indications are only observed in women are nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and abdominal pain. If you observe these signs, do visit a doctor and get treated.

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