Bharat Express

NSA Ajit Doval says, “Trust Between India-China Eroded Since 2020”

Over the past three years, this tension has remained, and India has repeatedly emphasised that until there is peace in the border region, the bilateral relationship cannot resume its previous level of normalcy.

National Security Advisor Ajit Doval

Ajit Doval, the national security adviser, met with Wang Yi, a key diplomat from China, to discuss bilateral ties between India and China. The strategic trust between the two nations has “eroded” since 2020, according to NSA Doval, who was speaking about the situation along the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

According to NSA Doval, “the situation along the LAC in the Western Sector of the India-China boundary since 2020 has eroded strategic trust and the public and political basis of the relationship,” said Doval.

With China, India has been in a military standoff for more than three years.

The gathering took place on Monday in South Africa on the sidelines of the Friends of BRICS gathering, days after Wang and External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar’s meeting.

The continuing military conflict between China and India, according to S Jaishankar, is the most difficult task he has encountered in his tenure as a diplomat.

Over the past three years, this tension has remained, and India has repeatedly emphasised that until there is peace in the border region, the bilateral relationship cannot resume its previous level of normalcy.

Wang Yi, however, emphasised the significance of boosting strategic mutual trust and putting an emphasis on consensus and cooperation. According to China’s state-run news agency Xinhua, he also stressed the need of overcoming challenges and rapidly resuming bilateral relations.

The two sides concurred that the bilateral relationship between China and India is important for the globe as well as the two nations themselves.

At the Friends of BRICS gathering earlier on Monday, Doval urged for coordinated measures to address issues arising from cybersecurity.

The NSA also conducted numerous bilateral meetings with his BRICS country counterparts and friends. The BRICS Summit will be held in South Africa next month.

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