Bharat Express

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Slams Intel Chiefs Over Hamas Attack, Later Apologizes

The well-planned surprise Hamas onslaught was the most lethal in Israel’s 75-year history

Benjamin Netanyahu

Benjamin Netanyahu

On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took a swipe at his intelligence chiefs, alleging they never told him Hamas was plotting a large-scale strike on October 7, but later withdrew his remarks and apologized.

The remarks sparked a political commotion and a schism inside Netanyahu’s war cabinet, which has faced public criticism for not accepting responsibility for intelligence and operational errors related to Hamas’ rampage through southern Israel.

While top officials, including the heads of the military and the Shin Bet domestic spy service, as well as his finance minister, have all admitted to failings, Netanyahu has not.

Benjamin Netanyahu has simply stated that there will be time after the war to ask difficult questions, including of himself.

When asked about Netanyahu’s remarks during a daily press briefing, Israel’s military spokesperson declined to comment, adding, “We are now at war, focused on the war”.

Israeli officials have stated that the events preceding up to and during the Hamas attack would be reviewed, but that the main focus was on the war.

The well-planned surprise Hamas onslaught was the most lethal in Israel’s 75-year history. Since then, Israel has bombarded the Gaza Strip with deadly air strikes and launched military operations in an attempt to destabilize the Iran-backed Islamist group and secure the return of scores of Israelis kidnapped from Israel and taken to Gaza on October 7, 2023.

Also read: Israel Kills Three Palestinians in West Bank