Bharat Express

Israel Kills Three Palestinians in West Bank

During the 1967 Arab-Israeli conflict, Israel conquered the West Bank

West Bank

The Palestinian health ministry stated that Israeli soldiers killed three Palestinians in the occupied West Bank on Sunday, as violence erupted across the territory amid the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

Since the conflict between Israel and Hamas started on October 7, more than 110 Palestinians and one Israeli have been killed in the West Bank.

The health ministry went on to say that three people aged 29 to 31 were shot dead by Israeli soldiers in the morning in Beit Rima, northwest of Ramallah, the Askar refugee camp in Nablus, and Tubas, further north.

The ministry did not disclose any additional information.

According to the Israeli military, explosive devices were hurled at Israeli security forces and exchanges of fire took place with terrorists during the operation to demolish a militant’s home in Askar.

“During the arrests of militants in Jenin and surrounding areas, suspects hurled explosive devices at the forces and exchanged fire with terrorists”, said the army.

“And, while carrying out counterterrorism activity in the town of Bayt Rima, terrorists hurled Molotov cocktails and explosive devices at the forces, who responded with live fire”, the statement reads.

During the 1967 Arab-Israeli conflict, Israel conquered the West Bank, and its soldiers regularly conducted raids on Palestinian terrorists there.

There has also been an increase in violence between Israeli settlers and Palestinians in recent months.

Also read: UN Calls Thousands of Break-Ins at Aid Centres in Gaza “A Worrying Sign”