Bharat Express

West Bank

Israeli troops or settlers have killed at least 542 Palestinians in the West Bank since the Gaza war broke out

Israel has occupied the West Bank since 1967, and around 490,000 Israeli settlers live in enclaves that are deemed illegal under international law

The West Bank has seen unparalleled violence since the start of the Israel-Hamas war

In Gaza, 129 captives are still hostage

The West Bank has been under Israeli military occupation since 1967

Hundreds of Palestinians have been killed in clashes with Israeli soldiers and settlers

The West Bank has seen an increase in violence in recent months

The West Bank has seen an increase in violence since Hamas launched a cross-border onslaught on Israel last month

Biden also stated that the US is prepared to impose visa bans on extremists who attack civilians in the West Bank

The West Bank, which Israel occupied in the 1967 Middle East war, has experienced a major increase in violence following last month's fatal attack