Bharat Express

Bridge Collapses On Landslide Aid Route In Papua New Guinea, Cutting Off Main Highway

Viriri claimed that this was forcing heavy equipment required to rescue individuals from beneath the rubble to take a longer, alternate route

Papua New Guinea

A bridge has collapsed on the main road for delivering aid and equipment to the site of a Papua New Guinea landslide that buried at least 2,000 people, a United Nations agency stated on Tuesday, citing hazardous land conditions in the rescue area.

Itayi Viriri, the regional spokesperson for the International Organization for Migration, stated, “So what has happened is that it (the bridge collapse) has cut off the main highway, which leads to Enga (province)”.

Viriri claimed that this was forcing heavy equipment required to rescue individuals from beneath the rubble to take a longer, alternate route.

“The conditions are very, very difficult. In some parts the land is still moving”, Viriri continued, adding that rain was still falling in the accident location.

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