Bharat Express

Benefits Of Eating An Amla Daily!

Here are a few reasons why one should consume an amla daily…

In today’s world, we mostly eat what satisfies our palette and willingly avoid nutritious and living food that is beneficial for health. Amla is sour and surely not as tasty as pizza but is a superfood that should be consumed on a daily basis. Amla contains eight times more vitamin C than an orange or a lemon.

As per Ayurveda, amla can balance all three doshas i.e. Kapha, Vata and pitta present in the human body. Other than this there are many benefits of eating amla.

Eating an alma every day can aid in fighting several diseases as vitamin C is a great immunity booster. It is a powerful antioxidant that helps to strengthen the natural defenses of our body. Also, amla is beneficial in improving body metabolism. It also helps the human body to fight against both viral and bacterial diseases.

Want to increase the blood’s purity? Have some honey or jaggery with amla powder. Amla contains vitamin C, which is very helpful in thickening and strengthening blood vessels. Amla is a crucial component in blood detoxification due to its higher antioxidant content.

Amla has a strong removes dandruff and prevents hair loss. Additionally, it strengthens the hair follicles and slows down the greying process. Additionally, applying amla to the hair will improve blood flow to the scalp and maintain healthy, shiny hair. Amla powder should be combined with shikakai and curd, applied to the hair, and then rinsed after 30 minutes.

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