PM Modi is holding election rallies in support of BJP across the country regarding the Lok Sabha elections. During his election rally in Bagalkot, Karnataka PM Modi’s eyes fell on a girl in the crowd, who was stood with a portrait of the Prime Minister and his mother.
The girl stood with the picture of PM Modi
PM Modi stopped his speech and asked SPG to take that portrait. PM Modi said, “SPG people should take photographs of this girl. This girl has brought a picture. She has been standing for a long time.”
PM Modi said- I will definitely write a letter
PM Modi said, “You write your name and address on it. I will definitely write a letter to you.” Seeing this style of PM Modi, the crowd of thousands present there started raising slogans of Modi-Modi.
PM Modi has a different style
This is not the first time that such a different style of PM Modi has been seen. Whenever PM Modi reaches among the people, he engages with them completely. Be it talking to children, or meeting players in other programs, or suddenly meeting a beneficiary during a trip.
Also Read: PM Modi Takes Jibe At Congress Over Their Failure To Provide Irrigation Facility To Farmers
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