During the upcoming Monsoon Session of Parliament, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to meet with ten groups of National Democratic Alliance (NDA) MPs. The discussions are expected to start on July 25. Each group will be composed of 35 to 40 MPs, each with focus on a certain region.
Regional groups of MPs were formed, and each group consists of representatives from two regions. PM Modi will meet with officials from Uttar Pradesh and the northeast on the first day, July 25.
The meeting will be divided with one starting at 6:30 pm, followed by the second at 7:30 pm.
Every meeting will be conducted in presence of Prime Minister Modi, senior BJP leader JP Nadda, and Defence Minister Rajnath Singh. Sanjeev Balyan and Ajay Bhatt, party officials and union ministers, are in charge of coordinating the meet.
MPs are being asked to produce reports on of the work done during their tenure.
These gatherings occur when NDA marks its 25th anniversary. On July 18, 39 parties who were a part of the alliance met at the Ashoka Hotel in Delhi earlier that day.
The coalition declared that it will run in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections under PM Modi’s direction and that he will win a “huge majority” and serve a third consecutive term as prime minister.
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