Bharat Express

Israel’s Former Military Chief: “Intelligence And Operational Failure Caused High Death Toll”

As per official data, 1,600 people have already died as a result of the terrorist attack and Israel’s brutal retaliation.

Israel’s former military intelligence chief Amos Yadlin said that a combination of intelligence failure and operational failure on Israel’s part contributed to the high death toll in the Hamas attack on Saturday.

1,600 people have already died as a result of the terrorist attack and Israel’s brutal retaliation.

Major General Amos Yadlin, a retired general, spent 40 years in the Israeli armed forces. He served as a fighter jet pilot for 33 years before becoming the country’s deputy air force commander.

The veteran said the Hamas strike by land, sea and air was a “surprise attack”. “There was no early warning. Either signals were not there, or signals were not picked up. It was a surprise attack, very much like September 11 (9/11), Pearl Harbour, Yom Kippur War. This should be investigated at the end of the war. We are now looking forward,” he said.

“The very sophisticated fence should give time to the forces to stop the enemy, even if they don’t get an early warning. There are sensors along the border and somebody was able to neutralise them. This must also be investigated,” he further mentioned.

Comparing Hamas with ISIS, he said, “They are killing women, and children in a very cold way. This Israel won’t tolerate. We are now moving to change the rules of the game.”

Responding to the question on who is supporting terror organisation he said,”Hamas is not 100 per cent an Iranian proxy, but they are getting a lot of Iranian money and weapons. This is a time to look at Hamas as if it is ISIS. They behave like ISIS. In a way, ISIS is not as cruel as Hamas. They rape, kill young women. Hamas must now be eradicated, destroyed.”

He further  added, “We are a peace-loving nation. With Egypt, Jordan, UAE. But if somebody pushes us to a corner, Israel knows how to win.”

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