Bharat Express

Nepali PM Pushpakamal Dahal To Seek Vote Of Confidence On May 20

Prime minister is taking vote of confidence according to Article 100, clause 2 of Nepalese Constitution , as stated by Dasharath Dhamala, the House of Representatives’ official spokeswoman.

Nepali Prime Minister Pushpakamal Dahal, also known as “Prachanda,” will ask the House of Representatives for a vote of confidence on Monday in response to opposition Nepali Congress’s obstruction of the Parliament’s work.

According to Article 100, clause 2 of Nepalese Constitution, prime minister is taking vote of confidence, as stated by Dasharath Dhamala, the House of Representatives’ official spokeswoman.

He noted that the Parliament Secretariat has already received a letter from Prime Minister’s office and the Council of Ministers explaining the situation.

According to Article 100 clause 2 of Constitution, the prime minister must take a vote of confidence within 30 days if the party he represents splits or if a coalition government member withdraws their support. Last Monday, the Janata Samajbadi Party (JSP) left the coalition government and withdrew its support.

After taking over as chief executive on December 25, 2022, Prime Minister Prachanda will have received four votes of confidence in as many months.

To pass the vote of confidence, 138 of 175 members of House of Representatives must vote in favor.

“There is no doubt that my government will survive the floor test,” Prime Minister Prachanda said speaking at a ruling party’s programme in Kathmandu on Saturday. “The differences between the ruling alliance and the opposition parties will be sorted out through dialogue,” he pointed out.

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