Shah Rukh Khan, the undisputed King of Bollywood, has not just conquered the silver screen but has made an impressive comeback in the advertising arena. With three back-to-back blockbuster films – “Pathaan,” “Jawan,” and “Dunki” – within the past year, the iconic actor has surpassed Rs. 2600 crores at the worldwide box office, securing his stronghold at the No. 1 position.
Despite already boasting a repertoire of blockbusters and box office records, Shah Rukh Khan’s influence extends far beyond cinema. In a remarkable surge, the superstar has become the face of over 10 brands as of January 2023. Tide recently announced him as their brand ambassador, joining an illustrious list that includes Everest Spices, Rungta Steel, Sunfeast Dark Fantasy, FabriCare, the ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup, Realme, Myntra, D’YAVOL X, and Ultratech Cement.
Also read: Deepika Padukone Fully Endorses Alia Bhatt’s Review of 12th Fail, Says ‘Couldn’t Agree More’
According to a recent study by TAM Media Research, Shah Rukh Khan has taken the advertising world by storm. Between January and July 2023, he was featured in promotions for a staggering twenty-one brands on television. This represents a remarkable twenty-four percent increase compared to the same period in 2022 and an impressive thirteen percent rise from 2021. Beyond just the numbers, this trend underscores the enduring appeal of “King Khan” in the advertising domain. His success at the box office seamlessly transitions into the advertising realm, solidifying his status as a force to be reckoned with in both spheres.
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