Ahead of the charge sheet filed in connection with Rs 2000 crore extortion, the accused conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar claimed that Bollywood’s dancing sensation Nora Fatehi has always been jealous of Jacqueline Fernandez. The accused has been lodged in Delhi’s Mandoli jail in a money laundering case charged by the Economic Offence Wing (EOW).
The accused, Sukesh’s statement came as a Delhi court adjourned actor Nora Fatehi’s plea against Fernandez alleging that the latter made defamatory allegations against her for “malicious reasons” and to destroy her career.
On January 20, the conman, Sukesh in a letter said, Nora’s first statement to the Enforcement Directorate (ED) is different from her statement to the Economic Offences Wing (EOW). “The entire statement is changed and now stories are being made, and the same can be very well verified and compared with the charge sheet by the ED and now the EOW,” he said. Further, he claimed that the statement shows how Fatehi is “manipulating” with “mala fide” intentions.
In a press statement issued by Sukesh’s lawyers Anant Malik and AK Singh, he said that actor Nora Fatehi always brainwashed him against Jacqueline, so she wanted him to leave Jacqueline and start dating her.
“Nora used to try calling me at least 10 times a day and if I don’t answer the call she used to keep on calling me,” the conman claimed.
“As I and Jacqueline were in a serious relationship, I started avoiding Nora, but she kept irritating me by calling and also, asking me to help bobby (Nora’s relative) in setting up a music production company which I did. She also kept sending me multiple pictures of Hermes bags and jewellery that she wanted, which I obliged by giving her, which she was using to date, ask her to produce one bill of Hermes bags that she has, she can never produce as she does not have, as the bags are worth more than ₹ 2 crores,” he said.
The accused, Sukesh called Fatehi’s claim that she refused a luxury car from him a “very big lie,” as “she was after my life that her car had to change as the ‘CLA’ that she had looked very cheap.” He said he bought her the car and the chats and screenshots are with the ED for proof.
“I have to maintain dignity and respect for all those women and I don’t want to stop down to this cheap level of putting out all the chats, and screenshots in the open which would expose the truth in open, and which will assassinate their characters, but if this circus goes on then I have face to show, as they know, what all they have spoken or have had knowledge about,” the conman added.
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