Bharat Express

UN Asks For Caution Afraid Israel May Attack Iran’s Nuclear Sites

Iran claims its nuclear project is entirely peaceful, but Western powers accuse Tehran of attempting to develop nuclear bombs


The United Nations nuclear watchdog chief expressed alarm on Monday about Israel potentially striking Iranian nuclear facilities, but that International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections of Iranian facilities would begin on Tuesday.

Israel’s military chief indicated Monday that his country would reply to Iran’s weekend missile and drone attack, which was undertaken in revenge for a suspected Israeli bombing on its embassy compound in Damascus on April 1, 2024.

This comes amid pleas for moderation from allies concerned about an escalation of conflict in the Middle East.

IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi stated, “Iran closed its nuclear facilities on Sunday for security considerations and that when they reopened on Monday, he kept IAEA inspectors away until we see that the situation is completely calm”.

“We are going to resume tomorrow”, Grossi continued.

Grossi went on to say, “This has not had an impact on our inspection activity”.

When asked about the likelihood of an Israel strike on Iranian nuclear facilities, Grossi responded, “We are always concerned about this possibility”. He encouraged extreme restraint.

The IAEA conducted frequent inspections of Iran’s main nuclear facilities, such as enrichment plants at Natanz, which are central to the country’s nuclear programme.

Iran claims its nuclear project is entirely peaceful, but Western powers accuse Tehran of attempting to develop nuclear bombs.

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