Bharat Express


France urged the junta on Thursday to ensure the safety of its mission and diplomatic personnel

Norway removed 15 Russian diplomats for alleged eavesdropping

For many years, Iran and Kuwait have undertaken failed talks over their disputed maritime border area, which is rich in natural gas

Meanwhile, an investigation into the reason for the crash is ongoing, but search teams have yet to locate the helicopter's black box

Museums around the world are returning stolen antiquities to right the wrongs done to many countries during colonial rule

The rich financial metropolis has some of the world's strictest anti-drug laws

The report was published as part of the Conflict Observatory programme

Because of the unusual heaviness of its bones, the researchers were convinced that the animal lived in shallow waters in coastal habitats

She was appointed as the FBI Director's executive special assistant in 2021

Since coming to power in 2015, the development has become one of Trudeau's biggest personal crises. This occurred when he presented a significant cabinet reorganization in an effort to improve his Liberal Party's standing in the polls.