Bharat Express

Kenya Tax Protests Turn Violent, With 200 Injuries And 100 Arrests

Kenyan lawmakers passed a finance bill, despite protests over $2.7 billion in additional taxes


An alliance of rights groups reported that at least 200 people were hurt and more than 100 were arrested across Kenya during Thursday’s statewide rallies over the government’s plans to generate $2.7 billion in additional taxes.

“Police fired tear gas and water cannon to disperse protesters in the capital Nairobi”, the five rights groups, including Amnesty International and the Kenya Medical Association, said in a joint statement late Thursday.

“The presence of spent cartridges implied the use of live rounds”, the statement claimed.

“We commend the several thousands of protesters, many of whom are youthful, for picketing peacefully exhibiting restraint and decorum despite provocation by police”, said the group.

Protesters want the government to fully reject the finance bill, claiming that it will suffocate the economy and hike the cost of life for Kenyans who are already struggling to make ends meet.

However, the International Monetary Fund believes that in order to lower the budget deficit and state borrowing, the government should raise revenues.

Earlier this week, the government softened its stance, with President William Ruto supporting recommendations to repeal some of the additional fees, including those on automobile ownership, bread, cooking oil, and banking transactions.

Despite significant rallies in 19 of Kenya’s 47 counties, lawmakers passed the finance bill in its second reading on Thursday, pushing the disputed tax ideas to the next stage of approval.

Lawmakers are due to vote on suggested revisions to the law on Tuesday, which the budget committee claims will blow a 200 billion Kenyan shilling ($1.56 billion) hole in the 2024/25 budget and force the government to cut spending.

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