Bharat Express


Kenyan lawmakers passed a finance bill, despite protests over $2.7 billion in additional taxes

The Centre released Rs 72,961.21 crore to the states as tax devolution to fund different social welfare and infrastructure development initiatives

The Indian rupee has depreciated 0.8 percent so far in 2023

The tax rates are reviewed every two weeks depending on the average of the previous two weeks' oil prices

ENA (potable alcohol) for human consumption will be exempt from GST

The Philippines is ranked 132 out of 180 nations on the World Press Freedom Index

The federal government began distributing the basic vegetable from its buffer stock earlier on August 11.

Despite steel purchases from China reaching a six-year high in April-May, with imports increasing 62%, the finance ministry rejected the request

The 27-nation EU plans to implement a carbon import tax of 25 to 30 percent on high carbon goods such as steel, cement, aluminum, iron, fertilisers, electricity and hydrogen.

Centre Grants Tax Exemption on Credit and Debit Card Transactions up to ₹700,000 Effective July 1