Bharat Express

Israel releases 39 Palestinians, including 6 women and 33 minors

17 Palestinians were arrested on the same day the 39 were released


Israeli prison authorities reported early Sunday that they had released 39 Palestinian captives after Hamas released 13 hostages under a Friday accord.

The released Palestinian captives are all women and children under the age of 19, while Hamas’ hostages are all women and children.

The deal is scheduled to last four days and allow 50 Israelis and 150 Palestinians to be released.

The Saturday exchange followed a Friday exchange in which Hamas released 13 Israelis, all of whom were women and children, while Israel released 39 Palestinian captives, all of whom were women and children.

In East Jerusalem, celebrations for the liberation of Palestinian detainees were muted due to a substantial Israeli police presence.

Crowds applauded and chanted slogans thanking Hamas for its involvement in the accord in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

The Islamist organization, which opposes Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas, controls sections of the West Bank.

According to the Palestinian Prisoners’ Club, 17 Palestinians were arrested on the same day the 39 were released.

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