Bharat Express

Hawaii Experiences Severe Earthquake, No Tsunami Warning

Hawaii, a seismically active region, boasts six active volcanoes, including Kilauea, and the World’s largest, Mauna Lao, which erupted for the first time in four decades in 2022


US seismologists reported that a strong earthquake struck Hawaii on Friday, although there was no risk of a tsunami.

“The 5.7-magnitude earthquake struck near Pahala on the main island of Hawaii, with its epicenter located around 37 kilometres (23 miles) below the Earth’s surface”, the US Geological Survey stated.

As per the report, the tremor was felt throughout the main island.

Despite being located in the middle of a huge tectonic plate, Hawaii is a seismically active region on the planet. It is home to six active volcanoes including Kilauea, which routinely dazzles helicopter-riding tourists on Hawaii’s Big Island with its red-hot shows.

Mauna Loa, the world’s biggest volcano, erupted for the first time in four decades in 2022, with lava fountains 60 metres (200 feet) high and rivers of molten rock flowing down its flanks.

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