Bharat Express

US And Philippines Hold Joint Marine Exercise In South China Sea

China claims sovereignty over practically the entire South China Sea, which transports more than $3 trillion in commercial shipping each year


The Philippines and the United States conducted joint marine exercises in the South China Sea on Friday, the Philippine military said, highlighting the ongoing growth of their security ties.

Security engagements between the treaty allies have increased in the past year, coinciding with heightened tensions in the South China Sea, where the Philippines and China have traded blame for a series of territorial disputes.

The Philippines and erstwhile colonial ruler the United States conducted joint exercises in the South China Sea for the third time since November of last year, frustrating Beijing, which objects to what it perceives as US involvement in its backyard.

In a statement, Armed Forces of the Philippines Chief Romeo Brawner stated, “It demonstrates our commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific, and fosters close cooperation towards further enhancing our maritime capabilities”.

China claims sovereignty over practically the entire South China Sea, which transports more than $3 trillion in commercial shipping each year and includes portions of the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei’s exclusive economic zones.

It has policed those claims with a massive coastguard force, which the Philippines has accused of hostile intentions and illegal conduct under international law. China claims to be protecting its land.

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