Bharat Express

Died or Killed? – death of six Indians in Pakistani prisons

Continuous deaths of Indians in Pakistan jails is a growing concern

The news actually is the continuation for what has been happening in Pakistani prisons for decades. Now six more Indians have died in last nine months in the prisons of the most unwanted neighbor.

Though this is an ‘alarming’ news but it is like an ‘orphan’ news as if someone dies on the streets and that does not make no difference to people. This time it is death of six Indians in Pakistani prisons.

This shocking revelation has come to the four through the Ministry of External Affairs.

Among the six unfortunate Indian prisoners, five were fishermen who breathed their last Pakistani custody.  The more unfortunate fact showing the inhuman face of Pakistan is this that the prisoners had already completed their sentences but were illegally detained by Pakistan.

The sad and unfortunate story of real Indian life in Pakistan was stated by the MEA spokesperson Arindam Bagchi.

Talking to media Ministry of external affairs spokesperson Arindam Bagchi described this incident as ‘alarming’.

Bagchi goes on saying – “The number of deaths in Pakistani prisons have been increasing among most of them are fishermen in recent times. Now again six Indian prisoners out of which five were fishermen, have died in Pakistani custody. They had already completed their sentences but were illegally detained by Pakistan.”