Bharat Express

kargil war

Registration for the event commenced on April 22nd and will conclude on June 25th. Participants are welcome to join at any point within this period but must ensure they meet their step goals by July 26th.

Former Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Leader and Mother of Kargil War Hero Vikram Batra, Kamal Kant Batra, Dies at 77

On Wednesday, the video of this incident, which involved Kuki women and occurred on May 4, came to light, and as a result, it began to receive criticism around the nation. People are outraged over this act of violence against women and began calling for the government to take quick action.

In response to the criticism by BJP leaders, Tharoor tweeted, "I was raised in an India where you are expected to speak kindly of people when they die."