Bharat Express


Netanyahu vehemently opposed the notion of sanctioning the IDF, emphasizing the vital role of Israeli soldiers in combating terrorism.

While its operations against Hamas continue, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) requested people in many areas of central Gaza to leave right away last week.

The so-called war will not turn into a world war for it cannot bear that intensity of provoked support as it does in a proper war..

Israeli forces have built a safe corridor in northern Gaza to allow Palestinians to go to the "safer" southern part of the maritime area.

How come, when just around 92 km from Tel Aviv something goes on in Gaza strip, Israel remains totally unaware of that? Impossible is this also, when a war plan and the preparation go on there, that too on a massive level for 12 months, how can you expect Mosad to be blind about that?

This is strange but true, before its bloody attack, Hamas duped Israel into a silly sense of security..