Bharat Express

Archaeological Survey of India

Vishnu Shankar Jain, the advocate involved in the case, shared insights into the court's order, emphasizing the importance of the ASI's statutory duty in conducting such surveys.

The Gyanvapi Mosque case has taken a new turn as the Muslim side has approached the Supreme Court after the Allahabad High Court upheld the District Court's order permitting prayers in the cellar within the mosque complex

On January 31, the Varanasi district court granted permission for a priest to conduct prayers in the southern cellar of the Gyanvapi mosque.

The survey's stay was prolonged when the mosque committee filed a motion with the top court on July 25.

The Muslim side objected to the Archaeological Survey of India's request for further time to finish the current scientific examination of the Gyanvapi mosque complex and submit its findings on Monday in the Varanasi district court....