Bollywood actor and comedian Kapil Sharma is in the limelight for his film “Zwigato.” In the direction of Nandita Das, the film was released on Friday, March 17. The audience has been anticipating this film since the trailer was released. However, the opening day collection of “Zwigato” was not found to be that great. Bollywood actor and self-described film critic, KRK (Kamal R Khan) has claimed that 90% of Kapil Sharma’s film’s shows have been canceled.
After many years, Kapil returned to the big screen with ‘Zwigato’. According to the reports, it was expected that Kapil Sharma’s film would collect one crore on the opening day, but the initial figures of the first day’s earnings are quite shocking. The report by Sacklin says that the film has only made Rs. 50 lakhs on its first day of release. These numbers are a real disappointment.
The fact that Kapil’s “Zwigato” competiting with Ranbir Kapoor’s “Tu Jhoothi Maine Makkar” and Rani Mukerji’s “Mrs. Chatterjee vs. Norway” is largely to blame for the film’s failure. Instead of showing little interest in Kapil’s “Zwigato,” fans are enjoying Ranbir and Rani’s film quite a bit.
Kamal R Khan said, “Kapil Sharma starer Film #Shramkaro has got earth shattering of 1-3%. While 90% shows are cancelled because of no audience. Producers of the film fully deserve this, who tried to make a joker star”.
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Kapil Sharma has gained a lot of popularity as a stand-up comedian. Kapil has made the audience laugh a lot with his shows like “Comedy Nights with Kapil Sharma” and “The Kapil Sharma Show”. He has also appeared in films such as “Kis-Kis Ko Pyaar Karoon” and “Firangi,” which have helped him establish himself in the Bollywood industry.
Now it will be intresting to see that will the audience prefer to watch Kapil’s “Zwigato” in the weekend.
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