Bharat Express

Rajasthan: Sachin Pilot trying hard to become the new CM

Jaipur. Winds of change favored Sachin Pilot camp finally in Delhi. Breathing a fresh breath of life, the leaders spoke up for ‘young leadership’. The sudden development sees a chance if CM Ashok Gehlot moves as Congress chief finally.

After a long spree of speculations about Ashok Gehlot being the new Congress Chief, the Pilot camp considers it as their last shot at the CM’s post for their leader, Sachin.  This might happen prior to the polls in Rajasthan, which are only 15 months distant now.

The state also seems to await the arrival of their new chief minister as the  ripples of the Congress presidential election are being left in Rajasthan. Pithing in the name of Chief Minister Gehlot there, gave a sigh of relief to the Pilot camp as well as the people of the state.

Under Gehlot political administration,  the supporters of Sachin Pilot have been  pushed to the margins, particularly from Sachin Pilot’s failed rebellion two years back in the months of July-August 2020. Now they are spotting an opportunity for Sachin, henceforth, many of them have started speaking up too.