Bharat Express

Ukrainian President Informs Emmanuel Macron ‘Russia Planning Dangerous Provocations At Nuclear Plant’

Since the commencement of the war in February 2022, Russia and Ukraine have repeatedly accused one other of endangering the plant’s safety

Volodymyr Zelensky with Emmanuel Macron

Volodymyr Zelensky with Emmanuel Macron

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky told his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday that Russia was plotting dangerous provocations at the Moscow-controlled Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant.

His statement came after Kyiv and Moscow traded accusations of plotting an incident at Europe’s largest plant.

Concerns about the nuclear plant’s safety have persisted throughout Russia’s invasion.

“I warned Emmanuel Macron that the occupation troops are preparing dangerous provocations at the Zaporizhzhia plant”, Zelensky said in a statement after speaking with Macron by phone.

“We agreed with the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) to keep the situation under maximum control”, he added.

Previously, Kyiv’s military warned of the possible preparations for a provocation on the territory of the Zaporizhzhia power plant in the near future.

According to the report, external objects similar to explosive devices were placed on the outer roof of the third and fourth reactors at the site.

“Their detonation should not harm power units, but may create an impression of shelling from the Ukrainian side”, it stated, claiming that Moscow will misinform on this.

Renat Karchaa, a Rosatom nuclear agency advisor in Moscow, accused Kyiv of plotting an attack on the reactor.

“We got information today that I am authorized to announce… The Ukrainian army will try to attack the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant on July 5, literally at night, in the dark”, Karchaa said on Russian state television.

He asserted that Ukraine intended to employ high-precision, long-range weapons as well as drones.

Since the commencement of the war in February 2022, Russia and Ukraine have repeatedly accused one other of endangering the plant’s safety.

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