Bharat Express


According to British officials, at least 12 British nationals lost their lives in the October 7 assaults, which claimed the lives of around 1,200 people, the majority of them civilians. Five more people are currently unaccounted for.

The nation in Southeast Asia is home to about 130 active volcanoes.

Surveillance aircraft will be unarmed, do not have a combat role, and will be tasked solely to locate hostages

The quake occurred 10 km beneath the Earth's surface

The country in Southeast Asia contains around 130 active volcanoes

The Chinese vessels, identified as "Chinese maritime militia vessels" (CMM), were reportedly "dispersed and scattered" within the reef.

Mindanao State University is deeply saddened and appalled by the act of violence

The West Bank has seen an increase in violence in recent months

Erdogan called Israel a terrorist state in a speech to his ruling party

The cruise missile was not destroyed but did not reach its objective