Bharat Express

Putin’s Fifth Term: A Presidency Marked by Global Leadership Transitions

Compared to the 2018 elections, President Putin saw an increase in votes, having secured 76.69 percent back then. The performance of the other candidates this year was lower than their predecessors in 2018.

PM Modi Congratulates Russian President Putin

PM Modi Congratulates Russian President Putin

Vladimir Putin has assumed the presidency of Russia for the fifth time, a move that didn’t come as a surprise given his enduring popularity among the populace despite ongoing conflicts. While a significant number of opponents protested against his victory, Putin once again demonstrated his strong mandate from the people, solidifying his status as the most powerful leader in the country.

Throughout Putin’s tenure, several heads of government have come and gone in various countries around the world. Notably, during his two-decade-long presidency, India saw three changes in its Prime Ministers. Atal Bihari Vajpayee held the position when Putin first took office, followed by a decade-long term by Manmohan Singh from 2004 to 2014. Narendra Modi succeeded Singh and has since completed two terms, with a bid for a third term in progress.

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In China, leadership transitions occurred from Jiang Zemin to Hu Jintao, and finally to Xi Jinping, who has maintained his position as the President for an extended period. Meanwhile, in the United States, Bill Clinton was in office when Putin first assumed power, followed by George W. Bush, then Barack Obama serving two consecutive terms. Subsequently, Donald Trump held the presidency before Joe Biden took office.

Britain experienced six changes in government leadership during Putin’s presidency, with Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, and presently Rishi Sunak serving as Prime Ministers at different times. Similarly, Germany saw several Chancellor changes, with Gerhard Schröder initially counterparting Putin in 1999, followed by the long tenure of Angela Merkel, and currently, Olaf Scholz holds the position.

In France, Jacques Chirac served as President at the onset of Putin’s presidency, succeeded by Nicolas Sarkozy, François Hollande, and presently Emmanuel Macron. These leadership transitions underscore the enduring tenure of Vladimir Putin amidst global political flux.