Bharat Express

Kim Jong Un celebrates spy satellite success with his family and scientists

South Korea suspended a five-year-old military agreement with the North Korea

Kim Jong Un with his daughter Ju Ae

Kim Jong Un with his daughter Ju Ae

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un toasted a new era of space power with scientists and his family on Friday, following the successful launch of a military spy satellite into orbit.

Pyongyang’s launch of the ‘Malligyong-1’ satellite on Tuesday was its third attempt, following failures in May and August.

North Korea claimed that its commander was already analyzing photographs of US military bases in Guam just hours after the launch.

Kim described the launch as a full-fledged exercise of the right to self-defense during a visit to the National Space Agency.

“The spy satellite will aid in protecting the North from dangerous and aggressive moves of the hostile forces”, Kim continued, adding that it has ushered in a new era of space power for the country.

South Korea acknowledged the launch was successful but said it was too early to tell if the satellite worked as the North claimed.

Pyongyang showed photos of Kim praising scientists and space program personnel at the National Aerospace Technology Administration with his young daughter Ju Ae.

Kim Jong Un dressed in a black leather coat, was seen waving at the uniformed workers, all of whom looked to be enthusiastically cheering him and Ju Ae.

Kim was photographed with NATA employees, top military and political officials, and his daughter and wife, Ri Sol Ju.

Kim’s family members and other reception attendants were seen wearing matching T-shirts that said ‘NATA’ written in English.

Everyone enthusiastically cheered expressing gratitude to the great father who finally ensured the successful launch.

Following the launch on Tuesday, South Korea suspended a five-year-old military agreement with the North and deployed surveillance and reconnaissance assets to the border.

Pyongyang responded by labeling Seoul’s actions ‘reckless’ and announcing that it would also suspend the pact in its entirety, adding that it would never be bound by it again.

Experts believe that launching a functioning spy satellite into orbit would strengthen North Korea’s intelligence-collection capabilities, notably over South Korea, and provide crucial data in any military conflict.

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