Bharat Express


Pakistan has launched at least six assets into space, including BADR-A, BADR-B, PAKSAT 1-R, PRSS-1, PakTes 1-A and iCube Qamar

The launch came hours after China, South Korea, and Japan concluded a rare three-way summit in Seoul

Suparco launches Pakistan's lunar satellite, iCube Qamar, aiming to boost digital revolution and socioeconomic conditions

The US Department of Defence is monitoring a potential collision between NASA's TIMED spacecraft and the Russian Cosmos 2221 satellite, despite the spacecraft's expected miss

The satellite was sent off using the Long March-2C carrier rocket

Seoul intends to launch four more spy satellites by the end of 2025

South Korea retrieved one of the North Korean spy satellite

South Korea suspended a five-year-old military agreement with the North Korea

Collisions pose enormous concerns on Earth, as satellites are now crucial for GPS, broadband, and banking data

While ISRO scientists patiently await the optimal moment for the Pragyan rover's deployment from the Vikram lander, fabricated images of the lunar surface presence of both payloads flood the online sphere."