Bharat Express

Kenyan Capital Fire After Gas Explosion: 2 Dead, Nearly 300 Injured

The scene has now been secured and a command center is now in place to help coordinate rescue operations and other intervention efforts


On Friday, a government spokesman stated that a truck laden with gas exploded in the Kenyan capital, killing at least two people and injuring nearly 300.

Isaac Maigua Mwaura tweeted, “The explosion ignited a huge ball of fire that spread widely”, through his official ‘X’ handle.

“Consequently, the inferno further damaged several vehicles and commercial properties, including many small and medium-sized businesses”, Mwaura continued.

He went on to say that the residential houses in the neighborhood also caught fire, with a good number of residents still inside as it was late at night.

According to a government spokesperson, at least two individuals died as a result of their injuries, while another 222 were brought to hospitals in the capital.

Earlier, the Kenya Red Cross recorded approximately 300 injuries.

On Thursday night, a fire broke out in the Embakasi neighborhood southeast of the capital.

Local media reported images of a massive explosion near numerous residences.

Police have roped off the impacted area, however some residents were seen gathering their possessions and inspecting the damage.

“The scene has now been secured and a command center is now in place to help coordinate rescue operations and other intervention efforts”, the spokesperson added.

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