Bharat Express

Israeli Defense Minister Asserts Gaza’s Future Will Never Be The Same

Gallant expressed that Gaza will undergo significant change, asserting that it will never return to its previous state.

Israeli Defense Minister

Israeli Defense Minister

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant has announced that the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) are transitioning to a “full offensive” against Hamas targets in response to ongoing terror attacks. In an address to troops along the Gaza border, Gallant emphasized that they have removed all restraints and regained control of the area.

Gallant expressed that Gaza will undergo significant change, asserting that it will never return to its previous state. He mentioned that the troops have the ability to reshape the reality in Gaza.

Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, the top spokesperson for the IDF, highlighted the priority of targeting senior Hamas members, emphasizing the directive for the forces to find and eliminate terrorists. The IDF is actively defending the border against infiltration attempts and has found the bodies of terrorists in Kibbutz Be’eri.

In the ongoing counter-offensive, the Israeli Air Force carried out strikes on numerous targets in Gaza, including the Al-Furqan neighborhood, a hotspot for launching Hamas attacks. The IDF is committed to addressing the terror infrastructure that enables Hamas to plan and execute attacks.

Furthermore, the IDF confirmed the arrival of the first plane carrying US armaments at Nevatim Airbase in southern Israel, emphasizing the importance of cooperation between the two militaries for regional security and stability.

The IDF also reported targeting the house of Mohammed Deif’s father, who is believed to be a key figure behind the terror attacks. As the conflict against Hamas continued, the toll in Israel included over 1,200 casualties, with more than 2,700 injured and some taken hostage or missing. Over 4,500 rockets have been fired from Gaza. On the Palestinian side, more than 770 people were killed, including 140 children and 120 women, with thousands wounded in the ongoing counter-offensive.