Bharat Express

INS Kulish Participates In celebration Of 77th Independence Day In Singapore

The ship will also host a reception for Singapore’s Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and renowned members of the Indian diaspora

On Tuesday, the Indian Naval Ship Kulish, a guided missile Corvette on a four-day visit to Singapore to participate in a multilateral exercise, attended the commemoration of India’s 77th Independence Day.

The ship’s officers and crew attended the 77th Independence Day celebrations at the Indian High Commission in Singapore, where the ship’s Commanding Officer Ashish Delsaria delivered a gift to Acting High Commissioner Pooja Madan Tulli to mark the ship’s visit to the Lion City.

The Naval Jazz band, which performed patriotic pieces to over 1,000 Indian community members in attendance, was another highlight of the celebration.

The corvette of the Andaman and Nicobar Command (ANC) at Port Blair is visiting Singapore from August 14 to August 18 to participate in the Harbour Phase of multinational exercise SEACAT 2023, which aims to improve interoperability and collaboration on maritime security challenges with participating nations.

The Harbour Phase is scheduled between August 14 and August 17, followed by the sea phase until August 25.

The ship will also host a reception for Singapore’s Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and renowned members of the Indian diaspora.

SEACAT handles geopolitical crises, criminal operations, and contingencies while standardising tactics, techniques, and processes to improve Maritime Domain Awareness.

The SEACAT was spearheaded last year by the US Navy’s Seventh Fleet, the Republic of Singapore Navy, and the Information Fusion Centre.

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