Bharat Express

Election Commission Members Arrive In Dhaka Ahead Of Bangladesh Elections

The forthcoming election will be attended by around 30 countries and 180 international observers

Election Commission

Three members of the Election Commission of India (ECI) arrived in Dhaka ahead of Bangladesh’s 12th general election on January 7. They will actively contribute to the monitoring process as members of the international election observer team.

Bangladesh Embassy official in Delhi stated, “Three senior members of the Election Commission of India are among those who have landed in Dhaka as part of the international election observer”.

To ensure a smooth election, the Election Commission has made extensive preparations. Despite the preparations, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party has opted to boycott the elections.

To supervise the elections, International election expert teams from the European Union are in Dhaka, along with foreign observers from several nations, including a Commonwealth team.

Randhir Jaiswal, the newly appointed Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson, stated that the elections in Bangladesh are the domestic affairs of Bangladesh and must select their future.

Earlier on Thursday, Awami League President Sheikh Hasina urged voters to return her party to power for a fourth time in a row by voting in Sunday’s election.

“Today I’ve appeared before you to ask for votes in favor of the Boat symbol. The call has come. It’s time to take the road”, Hasina continued.

PM Hasina went on to say that she is seeking another five-year term in office to make the development sustainable, work to raise people’s living conditions, and build a developed and smart Bangladesh free of hunger and poverty.

The forthcoming election will be attended by around 30 countries and 180 international observers, indicating international interest and observation in the electoral process.

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