Bharat Express

6.1 Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Kathmandu Valley

Four tremors were felt in Dhading


On October 22, a 6.1 magnitude earthquake struck Kathmandu, Nepal’s capital city.

The earthquake with epicentre near Dhading district was recorded at 7:39 a.m. by the National Earthquake Monitoring and Research Centre.

The tremor was felt in neighbouring regions of Bagmati and Gandaki provinces as well.

Four tremors were felt in Dhading, 90 kilometres of west of Kathmandu, within 29 minutes of the powerful jolt at 7:39 a.m.

According to the Earthquake Measurement Centre, an aftershock measuring 4.3 magnitude occurred at 8.08 a.m. followed by 4.3 at 8.28 a.m. and 4.1 at 8.59 a.m.

The quake and subsequent tremors caused widespread panic.

Although no fatalities have been reported thus far, media reports indicate that landslides occurred in several regions of the district.

Following the earthquake in Dhading, a few houses developed cracks and some trees also fell down.

Nepal is located on the ridge where the Tibetan and Indian tectonic plates meet and advance two meters closer to one another every century, resulting in pressure that is released in the form of earthquakes.

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