On July 14, Chandrayaan 3, India’s third Moon mission, was successfully launched. The moon ship launched from Andhra Pradesh’s Sriharikota in front of millions of spectators. As expected, people continue to publish content about the tragedy on social media. An extremely unique video has managed to stand out among the rest. The video, which was captured from inside a plane, depicts the launch of the vehicle.
Numerous people are sharing excellent videos on various social networking sites. However, Dr. P. V. Venkitakrishnan, Director (Retired), ISRO Materials, and Rocket Manufacturing Expert, shared the video of Chandrayaan-3 launches from an aircraft. The pilot of the Chennai-Dhaka flight declared to observe this historic occurrence sometime after departure, the author tweeted.
The video was published a short while ago. It has had more than 3.5 million views since being shared, and the numbers are only rising. More than 9,400 others have liked the share as well. Many viewers expressed their opinions in the video’s comments area.
A user on Twitter wrote, “Wow.” Another person said, “This is the best thing I saw on the Internet today.” Another said, “Lucky passengers.” A fourth was shared by “Goosebumps!” A fifth said, “This is an awesome video.”
Also read: Proud Memes, Amusing Jokes Go Viral As India Celebrates Chandrayaan-3’s Successful Launch
Launch Vehicle Mark-3, also known as LVM-3, was used to launch Chandrayaan 3 for the Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro). The Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mk-III was its previous name. Pragyan, a lander, and Vikram, a rover, are aboard the moon craft. By August 1, it will be in lunar orbit, and on August 23, it will begin its final fall. The spacecraft wants to be the first to set foot on the moon’s south pole.
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