Bharat Express

IPS Officer Shares a Picture of Money Kept Inside Answer Sheet To Get Passing Scores

IPS officer Arun Bothra, took to the internet to share a picture of money kept in the answer sheet of students to score passing marks…

IPS officer Arun Bothra, took to the internet to share a picture of money kept in the answer sheet of students to score passing marks.

Notes were seen kept inside an answer sheet. It was filled with 100 and 200 notes. Also, it was written that he should be given passing marks for this much money. By clicking its picture, the teacher sent it to the IPS officer, who shared it on social media. The educational system of India can be understood through this single picture.

Exams! The word itself can give nightmares to some people. Some say “A single sheet of paper cannot decide your future”, But ask a student facing exams whether they feel the same way or not. The pressure of passing the exams is so tremendous that students who are not so active academically take steps that prove to be illegitimate.

Fear of not scoring and reaching a certain level of percentage is the cause of depression and anxiety in many students. The pressure sometimes is so intense that the individual cannot deal with it and commit to actions such as suicide, or bribing. They feel anything is better than facing the humiliation of not passing a certain exam.

Recent incidents show that the suicide percentage is increasing due to this very reason. A NEET candidate committed suicide in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, after failing the exam twice. His father also committed suicide a day later. For dealing with an increase in suicide cases, Kota hostels install spring fans to pacify the number of dead due to suicide.

X user’s reaction to the post

“This has happened to me at least thrice during my paper correction days! To colleagues too even 20 years ago. The money is usually accompanied by a sad story narration instead of answers to exam questions. Needless to say, such students usually fail.” said Meghna Girish

“But last two years because of COVID You cannot imagine the condition of the students This year less than 15% of students can clear the exam. Hundreds of students got ZERO marks in some subjects, checking staff saying that we can’t give a single mark to them”  said Vivek Bhatt

Who is to be held accountable?

The question that comes is, who is to be blamed for these actions, the students themselves? The Parents for not being supportive enough, or the educators for not teaching that your morals and life are much more important than achieving a certain bar of numbers.

Kudos to the teacher who instead of accepting the bribe took appropriate actions.

Also read: NEET Exams To Be Eliminated, Tamil Nadu CM Assure Students After Father And Son Commits Suicide

What can help?

The fact that from an early age, we should teach children the importance of values and ethics, and they should be made aware that their loss of life is the utmost loss, Ending your life is not the solution. every situation can be dealt with you just have to stay strong in these situations.

We need to understand that each individual is built differently and hence has different abilities and talents. to judge everyone from the same scale is to put an elephant and an ant in the same jar.

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Bribing, what is the cause of such actions

The actions cannot be justified. Just to make something easier we never step back or hesitate in bribing. The fear of exams and not scoring terrifies them and they fall prey to such actions. Students believe or rather we say the society believes that the ones achieving better scores are somewhere better and more capable of doing things than the ones scoring less, This creates a sense of unhealthy competitiveness in the peers and can lead to such actions.