Bharat Express

Do You Recognise Prime Minister Modi’s Face In The AI-Created Image?

“Do you see him, too?” Madhav Kohli, a visual artist, wrote while posting an X-generated AI image.

AI Version of PM Modi

AI Version of PM Modi

The use of various AI-powered tools by artists to push the limits of creativity and produce breathtaking images is on the rise. One such artist who frequently posts captivating images on social media is Madhav Kohli. His most recent works include one that depicts an image of an island. What’s fascinating to watch, though, is how he combined science with his artistic expression to produce an image that resembles Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s face.

Island version of PM Modi

“Do you see him too?” says the one-line caption Kohli used while posting his creation to X. The image depicts a small yet lovely island against the background of a sky lit by the sun as it sets. You might not notice the PM’s face at first glance. But if you pay close attention, you’ll also see it.

The tweet was circulated a short while ago. It has had close to 2,500 views since it was posted. This is sick, bro. A user of X commented in response to the article. Someone else inquired as to which app was used to create the image. In response, Kohli said, “Stable diffusion.”

Stable Diffusion: What Is It?

Users can produce descriptive images on this AI platform. Users of the program, according to its official website, can produce AI graphics “with shorter prompts and generate words within images.” Additionally, they are capable of producing “stunning visuals and realistic aesthetics.”