Bharat Express


Ukraine's march to the shore was going well, despite Russian defence preparations and massive mining

There is no doubt that this is an anti-Russian alliance summit

NATO countries are debating concrete interim security measures to offer Ukraine

Ukraine will dominate the NATO summit scheduled to be held in Vilnius as Biden looks to keep the military alliance united behind Kyiv amid the ongoing conflict with Moscow.

Ukraine deserves to be in the alliance

Efforts to safeguard the West's crucial underwater infrastructure follow the sabotage of the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipelines in September

Tensions between Turkey and Sweden were recently exacerbated by a protest against Turkey and NATO that took place in Stockholm last month.

Attempts to push for NATO-like (alliances) in the Asia-Pacific is a way of kidnapping regional countries and exaggerating conflicts and confrontations.

Washington also belongs to the QUAD group, along with Australia, India, and Japan

Apple disputed the accusations in a statement