Bharat Express


"NATO fighter jets are on duty around the clock", says NATO spokesperson

Former British prime minister David Cameron was in Washington for the first time as a formal visitor since being appointed foreign secretary.

There is no doubt that Ukraine will eventually be in NATO

The suggestion sounded more like a bargain to Zelensky which was made by none other than the Director of the Private Office of the NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg..

Whereas China was clearly helping Russia earlier, now North Korea has also joined the verbal front openly appearing to be encouraging Russia..

Wallace has been a member of the UK parliament for 18 years

This was the moment when Prime Minister Modi made a personal appearance at the 15th BRICS summit in Johannesburg after 2019, and fortune favored India.

The war between Ukraine and Russia entered into a new phase of destruction this summer with Kyiv's launching of its much-anticipated counteroffensive. And then Zelenski hoped Ukraine would regain the upper hand..

International supporters of Ukraine are attempting to reassure Kyiv of their commitment after NATO declined to extend an invitation for the war-torn nation to join military alliance.

The new partnership project comes as NATO considers expanding its engagement with Asia and China expands its military presence.