Bharat Express

North Korea To Drop Atom Bomb on America?

Whereas China was clearly helping Russia earlier, now North Korea has also joined the verbal front openly appearing to be encouraging Russia..

The long cherished dream of the dictator..

The long cherished dream of the dictator..

The dictator didn’t like it when he encountered the news of the F16 support to Ukraine. Clearly the Russia-Ukraine has created another grand divide over the globe.

After the Russia-Ukraine war, the inner rifts between the countries have also come to play. On one hand, the western countries have been divided over sanctions and attacks on Russia, the friendship of China, Iran and North Korea with Russia also one by one has divided the world into two poles.

Whereas China was earlier openly helping Russia, now North Korea also seems to encourage Russia. It has made it clear to Russia that North Korea is always by there side and in case of any requirement of weaponry, their doors are open for them.

This was the reason why when Russia ran out of weapons, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu was seen rushing to North Korea and North Korea also opened up its arsenal in response.

Although there are reports of Russia getting help from Iran, North Korea and China. Contrary to this western countries have also put all their strength in strengthening the Ukrainian army. Recently NATO countries Netherlands And Denmark have also started the process of giving F-16 fighter planes to Ukraine. In this direction, first of all Ukrainian pilots will be trained, then these dreaded ships will be put in war against Russia.

The news of F16 about to handle the war front in Ukraine, made the North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un’s attitude turn sour. Without mincing words, then North Korea was heard threatening to America.  Kim Jong Un said that by giving F-16 fighter jet to Ukraine, America is taking the war towards nuclear corner. More over, the dictator also warned America not to comment on Russia-North Korea relations.

Not only this, Kim Jong Un has called Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky a puppet of America. Kim Jong Un has made it clear that he is completely ready to enter the front with Russia in the Ukraine war. The dictator did not hesitate to directly give a nuclear threat to America.