Bharat Express

North Korea

South Korea and the United States also conducted joint air drills, involving 30 aircraft, including the F-22 Raptor, to combat North Korean threats

North Korea's balloons carrying trash into South Korea have disrupted takeoffs and landings at Incheon International Airport

North Korea sent trash-filled balloons, sparking a propaganda blitz, causing tensions to rise in South Korea

U.S. authorities believe North Korea is interested in acquiring fighter aircraft, surface-to-air missiles, armored vehicles, ballistic missile production equipment or materials, and other advanced technologies from Russia

North Korea and Russia have signed a military assistance agreement, committing to provide all available aid in case of armed aggression and prohibiting third-country treaties infringing on each other's interests

Both countries have faced a slew of United Nations sanctions, Pyongyang since 2006 for its illegal nuclear and ballistic missile programmes, and Moscow for its invasion of Ukraine

The visit will involve one-on-one conversations between the two presidents, as well as a gala concert, state reception, honour guards, document signings, and a statement to the media

In recent weeks, North Korea has launched hundreds of balloons packed with trash such as cigarette butts and toilet paper southward

The launch came hours after China, South Korea, and Japan concluded a rare three-way summit in Seoul

South Korea and Japan have imposed sanctions on organizations suspected of delivering North Korean weapons to Russia for Ukraine, violating UN resolutions, and frozen assets of 11 groups involved