Cigars Priced Higher Than Luxury Cars: Exploring The World’s Five Most Expensive Cigars
Let's delve into the realm of opulence as we explore some of the most expensive cigars in the world.
Study: Lifestyle, Rather Than Being A “Morning” Or “Evening” Person, Affects Longevity
Even while the study indicated that staying up late had little effect on how long "night owls" survived, evening personalities had a slightly higher risk of passing away than morning personalities.
Glamping- The Hot Holiday Trend That Brings The Best Of Nature And Luxury Into Camping
Glamping, the term which is a mix of the word glamour and camping is the answer. It's luxury camping with all the comfort and luxury along with the peace and quiet of the outdoors...
Health Benefits Of Living In Cities For Children And Teens Diminishing: Study
The study founds that on average children living in cities had a slightly higher BMI than children in rural areas.
Protein Target Found To Repair Heart Injuries Through Cell Programming Following Attack: Study
An emerging approach in regenerative medicine in which scientists transform cells to repair damaged body tissues...
Can We Consider Books As Our Best friend? Read Here How…
We seek human contact, making new connections with people, or taking family vacations. Despite this, some of us would rather spend time with books than with people...
Ikigai: The Japanese Way Of Living A Worthy & Happy Life
The journey to Ikigai might require time, deep self-reflection, and effort with belief, but it is one thing we can all make..
The Secret Of Dewy Skin: Do You Need To Use, Serum or Face Oil?
Face serums are intensive skin treatments to target skin concerns and boost your skin health...
Vitamins & Minerals: A Guide to Achieve Your Dream Hair
Daily consumption of vitamins and minerals is a boon for hair health by taking care of hair fall, dandruff, damage repair, growth and shine.
Gmail: An Open Domain Too Useful Still Unsafe
Email is also a major vector for cyberattacks. If people and companies don’t take the right precautions, their security can be compromised by clicking on the wrong link or making a simple typo.